Wednesday, June 5, 2019

I fell like you shouldn't use "I feel like" when you talk or when you write.

I know this is not a new phenomenon, but I notice a lot of people saying, “I feel like” rather than “I think” or “I believe.”  It's almost as bad as the number of people who don't realize that there is a "n" in the words didn't and wouldn't. The "n" should be used when pronouncing those words.

From a New York Times article titled “Stop saying ‘I feel like.’”  “This reflex to hedge every statement as a feeling or a hunch is most common among millennials.  As in so many things, the young are early carriers of a broad cultural contagion.”

The article goes on to point out that the phrase became common in the ‘90s. And it states that people use it because it gives them an out. They aren't stating a fact, they're giving an opinion. When people are just stating their feelings, you can’t really fight back with logic. You can’t really disagree with feelings.

And it turns out that the New York Times is not alone in their dislike of the phrase.

Entrepreneur published an article called “’I Feel Like’ Is the Newest Controversial Phrase You Should Avoid.” The article states, “Saying ‘I feel like’ is a nonassertive, fearful way to introduce an idea…In protecting the person who says it from being judged or offending anyone, it also ‘halts argument,’ because it suggests to others that they cannot understand or challenge the speaker’s subjective feelings and experiences.”

Have some guts. Don't say, "I feel like taxes are too high." Say, "Taxes are TOO HIGH!"

The phrase is wishy-washy and non-committal.

But many people simply use this term as a matter of habit. We all tend to use popular phrases that we hear, and this one is pretty prevalent in U.S. society. That's doesn't make it right. Habits can be good or bad and this is a bad one.

The only time you should use the phrase "I feel like" is when you really feel a certain way to the touch. If you've been out in the hot sun and you're sweaty, you can say, "Touch my arm. I feel like I've been dunked in a horse-trough, because if you're wet enough, that's how you feel. 

Hope you're feeling what I'm trying to say.

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