Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Interesting day yesterday. I had three story sales and two rejections.I'll take those percentages every time. Gypsum Sound Tales, located in Tumbi Umbi,New South Wales, bought "Tardigrade on Parade," Hellound Books Publishing in Austin, Texas bought "New Witch in Town," and The New Accelerator, a British online science fiction magazine bought "Stays the Same," a time travel story.

Additionally, 13 O'clock Press released "Lonesome Train," an anthology. It includes my ghost story, "Last Train Through Pearson Switch." Here's the link.

Here's a short excerpt from the story:

Harvey said, “David, you really think the old railroad switch is haunted?”
“Nah, my grandma just says that to keep me away from here,” I answered. “It was never haunted, but folks say sometimes you can hear the old trains from Romulus or Tribbey come through on nights when the sky is troubled and the moon is full.”
Jimmy said, “Train to Romulus hasn’t run since they closed the oilfields during the depression.”
Greg snickered, “Quit talking bullhockey. Wood ain’t gonna jump in the fire and the tent won’t set itself. The stew will take an hour to cook. I wanna be up at sunrise and catch me some river catfish. Time enough for ghost stories later.”

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